Mapcreator for Adobe

Here's everything you need to learn about Mapcreator's powerful Adobe extension for Illustrator & After Effects.


How to install the extension:

1. Download this Installer first, we recommend:

2. Drag and drop the Extension file onto it. If you don't have it yet, download it here.


Once installed, it should be added to the list of installed Extensions as Mapcreator.

3. Restart After Effects and Illustrator

4. Find the Extension under Menu > Window > Extensions > Mapcreator

Mapcreator extension in Illustrator


1. What Adobe applications does this Extension support?
Our extension currently supports Adobe Illustrator and After Effects.

2. Do I need an internet connection to use the Extension?
Yes, you will need an internet connection for downloading and activating the Extension. Also, once you’re loading the Extension, you’ll need internet to render the maps.

3. How do I define my map area?
The width and height of your map project are defined by the size of the Extension window itself.

4. Can I create multiple maps?
Absolutely! Every time you hit the “Generate” button, a new layer with the new map details is added to your artboard. Your previous layers remain, so you won’t lose any of your artwork.

5. How can I fix broken TextOnPath Elements?
Fixer Scripts to the rescue! Feel free to download our TextOnPath fixer Script for Illustrator. Once applied, roadnames and waternames which run along a path and show words cut up in single characters will be fixed and merged to one editable word.

6. Why can’t I create maps in Adobe After Effects?
The Extensions communicate with each other and therefore always need to be opened, which means if you create SVGs in AE, the Extension panel also needs to be open in Illustrator.

7. Why can’t I find my map styles?
Once logged in and identified with a custom API Token, your custom map styles should be available within the map style dropdown menu. Please reach out to your Mapcreator Support Team if something seems wrong.

8. Why can’t I create a Token?
Only users with an active Mapcreator subscription can create a custom API Token. Please reach out to your Mapcreator Support Team if something seems wrong.

9. What should I do if I encounter issues with the Extension?
Please reach out to your Mapcreator Support Team if you have any questions: