How can I create an animated map?

In this article, you will learn how to create animated maps in video format.

This documentation is always evolving.

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, what is a video worth? To give your customers the ultimate experience, follow the instructions below.


Step 1: Enter the animation creator interface

Click on the camera icon at the bottom left of your screen, a new interface appears. On this interface, you see the video frame in the center. Around it, in gray, you see the rest of the map that will not appear in the animation. 

On the left you see the usual Mapcreator menu with search, add items, item list, map style settings and the export menu.

At the bottom of the screen are your keyframes. A keyframe represents an area where your animation will focus for as long as you wish.


Step 2: Choose an area

Search for the place name in the sidebar menu, or manually zoom in on the location you want to work on. Once selected, click on the frame on the bottom bar to add this area as the first keyframe, it will be the starting point of your animation.


Step 3: Add more keyframes

Add as many keyframes as you like and create a single animation. In the keyframe bar, click on the number between the keyframes and choose a transition and its duration.


Step 4: Add elements 

You can add as many elements as you like to each keyframe using the Mapcreator editing menu on the left of the screen. You can highlight specific areas, add icons, labels, text boxes and data layers.


Step 5: Play with the timeline

You can choose to work with keyframes or the timeline. To switch between these, click on the "keyframes" button and select timeline. You will see your keyframes, as well as all the elements on your map. From this bar, you can choose when each element will appear and disappear from the animation.


Step 6: Customize

Customize colors, CSS, and fonts to create a map that perfectly reflects your brand's image.


Step 7: Export & Share

Choose your map style and the colors you want to apply to the map. Once you are satisfied, click on the export menu. 

Choose the file format you want to download, the frame rate, the frame size and click on download. You will find your animation in the "download" folder of your device.


And as they say a picture is worth a thousand words, Mapcreator has thought of everything. Below is a video of one of our experts explaining exactly how to make an animated map.